Hmm, Websites! We're asked to explore the mighty realm of website development this week. I never thought of myself to be quite the developer so I gave myself some time to learn HTML basics and after a little digging I chose to use a bootstrap template. Bootstrap is a front-end framework used for developing responsive websites. It has a nice set of components that make web development easier. So think of it like this HTML is the cake and bootstrap is the sprinkles or cherry on top making the website visually appealing. I chose this template cause I suited my style. now for the Weekly Assignments layout. How should it? How should I even start. I returned to youtube for guidance about website wireframing and found this nice video. I was inspired by saeed's. website
Then to help me visualize my website especially my weekly assignment template I used this online tool called . I played with it for a while until I was satisfied with my output.
Before Jumping straigt to carasouls and navbars, I had to grasp the basic ideas behind all the flashy components. So, I went straight to HTML..
I used it once to make my first ever website 6 years ago but I found it boring to learn back then. But now, I found it exciting to relearn and explore more. Also, I formed the habit of claping to myself whenever I solved something. I turn to w3schools for the fundamentals.
I relied heavily on the documentation in these website getbootstrap , tutorialrepublic, w3schools. fortunately the grayscale template provided a nice start but still I wanted something extra like a dropdown with the assignment list, Side bar for each week, to understand navbars, etc etc. So I ended up with something like this
After coping the template I bagan working on the assignmnet list. I wanted them to be in a dropdown in the navbar. That's my code
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle projects. To understand git in the first place I used these tutorials Git & Github for Poets " The tutorials served as a just an point for me to start exploring but in these tutorials he used only the command line to deal with git & github. To me the command line is unexplored territorry and We were introduced to a software called sourcetree . except it didn't work with me and I face a lot of issues to clone my repository. So, time to face my greatest fears: TERMINALS.
First download WSL on my windows 11 by following this link .
Then I Restarted my laptop and opened Ubuntu
git add .
git commit -m
git push